Duties of Elected Officers/Board Members

The Chairperson shall preside at all meetings and perform such other duties as may be incident to her office.  NETWORK National strives to foster professional growth for women working within the Postal Service system.

The Chairperson or designee (designee must be a member of the National Board) and the Treasurer shall countersign all checks drawn on the organization funds by the treasurer. The Secretary shall be authorized to countersign checks in the absence of the Chairperson.

The Chairperson shall appoint all committee Chairpersons and may serve as Chairperson of the National Board, scheduling and conducting regular and special meetings as required. She shall make all necessary appointments with the approval of the National Board, be an Ex-officio member of all standing committees and Special committees, except the nominating election committee, and serve as a liaison between the National Organization and the USPS Headquarters. She shall perform such functions as deemed advisable when requested by the National Board, and assist Regional Representatives with Chapter formation within their geographical regions.

The Vice-Chairperson shall include those as assigned by the Chairperson. In the absence of the Chairperson, the Vice-Chairperson shall preside over all business meetings normally chaired by the Chairperson. In the event of death, resignation, removal, or incapacity of the Chairperson, the Vice Chairperson shall assume, as soon as possible, the position and duties of the Chairperson, with full power and authority to perform as such until the election of the Chairperson at the next meeting.

The Secretary shall act as the Administrator of the organization and she shall perform such administrative duties as required. She will record the minutes of each meeting accurately, and be responsible for notices, correspondence, and other duties as assigned by the Chairperson. She shall provide minutes of meetings to all board members and maintain an approved copy.

The Treasurer will receive all checks for membership dues and shall deposit them immediately. The Treasurer will countersign all checks, or sign as authorized, and maintain records for all financial reports on the same. She will be responsible for the deposition of all national organization funds properly and promptly. She shall levy fines to members equivalent to the cost to the organization for uncollected checks due to insufficient funds. For example, she shall have all books and records available for inspection by the National Board, submit financial records and book (s), and audit at the end of the elected term, and upon request of the board, prepare a financial statement prior to the submission of the book for audit.

She shall prepare all necessary records for the IRS as required; be an Ex-Officio member of the national finance committee, and report on members in good standing on request of the National Chairperson or Board.

The Newsletter Editor shall publish a quarterly NETWORK newsletter and an Annual Membership Directory.

The Membership Chairperson shall be responsible for chairing all projects to increase membership. She shall be responsible for keeping accurate records of membership and submitting reports on the same to the National Board. She shall be responsible for sending out annual dues notices, paid membership cards, and new membership kits. She shall provide a paid membership roster to each chapter and the National Board by March 1 of each calendar year. She shall provide membership address labels to National Board Members, as requested.

The Regional Board Members shall perform liaison or coordination responsibility for specific chapters according to their respective geographical locations. Attend, report, and vote at National membership meetings and at National Board Meetings; perform other duties as assigned by the National Chairperson; work with the Chairperson in assisting chapters in their assigned area with solving problems, information sharing, and membership chapter chartering; report all activities to the Chairperson on a regular basis.

The Parliamentarian assists the Chairperson and members in answering Parliamentary Inquiries and responding to points of order. She advises officers and committees on revisions and resolutions. She gives an opinion and the presiding officer makes the ruling; serves as Parliamentarian at Board Meetings; National Membership/Training Conferences and other meetings as assigned.

Sergeant-At-Arms assists in maintaining order, is the keeper of the door at general membership meetings and national board meetings, and assists in floor votes. She shall be the Chairperson of the credential committee. She may handle arrangements of equipment and comfort (water, heat, air-conditioning, and policy smoking) and may have charge of the ushers or hostess/host.

Newly Elected Officers/Board Members shall be installed at the annual National Membership/Training Conference of the election year. They will immediately assume their assigned duties. Files, records, and books must be submitted to the Elected Incoming Officers/Board Members, no later than January 1 of the new calendar year.

2022-23 Regional


Here's an alt tag for the image: `Generic profile placeholder image`

Cindy Mclin

Portrait of a smiling woman in a maroon shirt.

Crystal McDaniel

Here's an alt tag for the image: Generic person placeholder image.

Percie White


Portrait of a woman with red hair.

Judith Reeder

Here's a concise alt tag for the image: `Generic placeholder profile image`

Sharon Barger


Portrait of a woman in a black jacket.

Lori Dickerson

Here's an alt tag for the image: `Generic user profile placeholder`

Veleria Wooten

Here's an alt tag for the image: `Generic user profile placeholder`

Sondi Jones

Appointed Board

Women on the Move

Portrait of woman in gray blazer.

Raschelle Parker

Dare to Soar

Here's an alt tag for the image: `Generic person placeholder image`

Bridgette Billue

My Sister's Keeper

Woman with orange hair in plaid blazer.

Lakeisha Kooce

Each One Reach One

Woman in gray suit and pearls.

Lorissa Berry


Here's an 8-word or less alt tag for the image: `Generic gray placeholder profile image`

Lia Johnson


Here's an alt tag for the image: `Default profile picture`

Min. Cheryl Bell


Here's an alt tag for the image: `Generic person placeholder image`

Eloise Bonner


Here's an alt tag for the image: `Generic user profile placeholder`